Viewing Grant Proposal: City of Sterling Heights_Go Green Program
The City is partnering with Michigan Saves, the nation’s first non-profit green bank, to expand its Go Green Program to include EV charging, renewable energy, and electrification technologies. Go Green 2.0 will leverage financing from Michigan Saves to invest in city homes, commercial businesses, and community facilities. Incentives will be combined with Michigan Saves’ financing capabilities to leverage double the funding provided by the Renewable Energy and Electrification Infrastructure Enhancement and Development Grant.
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4/12/2024 12:58:26 PM |
Go Green embodies an approach that engages residents and businesses in adopting sustainability, transforming Sterling Heights into a model for green urban development. The program's emphasis on renewable energy and EV infrastructure investment signals a significant leap forward in making Sterling Heights a hub for green innovation and manufacturing.
4/12/2024 12:59:43 PM |
By reducing the energy burden on low-income households, Go Green is a critical step towards creating a more inclusive and equitable energy future in Sterling Heights. Leveraging local resources and the partnership with MichiganSaves will maximize its impact, illustrating the power of community collaboration in tackling environmental challenges.
4/12/2024 1:07:00 PM |
This grant proposal will enable the City to expand cutting edge sustainability initiatives currently underway. The City's Go Green grant program has already resulted in $1.3 million in clean energy home improvements. With additional funding we can continue this highly successful effort knowing the strong demand from households across the City. The City's EV Charging Infrastructure Strategic Plan can also be accelerated with additional funding. The City's Sustainability Plan is paying significant dividends but we need additional partners, including the MPSC to expand these Renewable Energy and Electrification Infrastructure projects.
4/12/2024 4:03:43 PM |
A sustainable community integrates economic, environmental, and social, considerations to provide safe, efficient, and equitable mobility options that enhance quality of life while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and public health. The Go Green grant program emphasizes accessible and affordable sustainability options for all members of the community